With the development of the Matrixmobil®, the results of Dr. Randoll’s research have found their utilization in daily clinical practice.
The Matrixmobil® is an active therapeutic device with classification class IIa. Since it initial registration in 1998 it is used professionally by nowadays over 3.500 therapists in 28 countries (Up to nine hours daily use).
With pleasure we would like to provide you with information about Matrix Rhythm Therapie and Matrixmobil®. Please contact us to order info material.
Matrix Therapists worldwide offer their patients a systemic and holistic medicine:
„What a stethoscope is to a physician, matrixmobil is to an orthopeadican“
Dr. Milind Joshi, Orthopaedic Surgeon, India
„After three weeks treatment with Matrix Rhythm Therapy most of our patients with carpal tunnel syndrome cancelled their surgery.“
Nazimiye Akbey, Physiotherapist, Turkey
„Based on over fify years of experience in the field of sport traumalogy and physical training of high class athletes I can now say for sure, the Matrix Rhythm Therapy is a quick, gentle and effective method for rehabilitation and body optimization.“
Ivan Garabitov, Physiotherapist, Bulgaria
„Since I have been using Matrix Rhythm Therapy, I evidenced a remarkable effectiveness in the treatment of people affected by any desease oft he musculoskeletan system and also a considerable release of all sorts of pain, even chronic.“
Dr. Francesco Aielli, doctor, Italy
Matrix Health Partner are physicians, osteopaths, physiotherapists, dentists, medical masseurs who are experts of Matrix Rhythm Therapy
Please read interviews, testimonials and find Matrix Health Partner (available in German)
You need assistance to find an expert in your area? Please contact us.
Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy is also successfully applied in Veterinary Medicine.
Initially highly accepted as an effective method in equestrian sports, the therapy was also introduced in the area of veterinary surgery. More information about the different indications is available on the left side (see Equine Treatment and Pet Treatment).
Inquire here for more information