“What are the reasons why progress in medicine succeeds? Why is Matrix Rhythm Therapy so effective?”
Life consists of porcesses. All forms and structures, as long as they are alive, can change. Every potential for healing is based on this.
Dr. Ulrich Randoll believes that you have to bring practitioner, scientists and lateral thinkers on one table. Scientific evidence has to proof itself with practical evidence and practical experience. What are the therapeutic consequences? Where do we need more scientific research?
The Dr. Randoll Institut – a non-profit organization for Matrix Research and Education – was founded in 2013. Here the research in cooperative networks with scientists continues while the Matrix concept is taught and spread. The institution deals with very basic questions: What benefit has the individual patient? The society?
The network of medical providers, who have successfully integrated the Matrix Rhythm Therapy in their treatment concepts, is called Matrix Health Partner. Doctors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, dentists, practitioners of alternative medicine, medical masseurs, ergo therapists and speech therapists are in this network.
On the Matrix Health Partner website experiences from practitioners and patients get published and you can read interesting articles about Matrix Rhythm Therapy (for now in German language only).
An English network is in planning. If you want to stay tuned or if you are a medical provider who wants to join this network please inquire here.
Please share your experiences with us. We are excited to hear about them.