The results of academic research work in the project “Clinical Fundamental Research” eventually led to the innovative therapeutic methods. They have been presented at national and international conferences for foundational as well as clinical research and have been discussed in the context of other therapeutic methods for pain treatment and stimulation of micro circulation – especially methods of the physical therapy. The method was awarded the »MatriMed-Forschungspreis« at the »3rd International Congress of the Society of Matrix Research« in 1996 for distinctive innovation. On the occasion of the »Equitana Inside« (an international fair of equestrian sports in Essen), the »Wolf-Kröber-Gedächtnis-Preis 2001« for innovative ideas went to Dr. Randoll on March 7, 2001.
Four scientific papers in the form of dissertations and diploma theses (Erlangen University; LVA Baden Württemberg; Hannover University; Occupational Medicine DaimlerChrysler, Sindelfingen; Technical University Munich) have been completed. Further projects have already been started.