Dr. Randolls new book:
Matrix Rhythm Therapy – Knowledge, Philosophy and Practice of Resonance Based Medicine

Matrix Rhythm Therapy
Knowledge, Philosophy and Practice of Resonance Based Medicine
Autor: Dr. med. Ulrich G. Randoll
In his third book “Matrix Rhythm Therapy – Knowledge, Philosophy and Practice of Resonance-based Medicine” Dr Ulrich G. Randoll draws an in deep focus on nowadays concept of illness and health and proves with scientific-physiological findings as well as with practical achievements that Resonance-based Medicine is the key to understanding chronic illnesses.
- Medical Paradigm Shift
- Scientific-physiological findings
- Matrix Concept & Matrix Rhythm Therapy as a therapeutic consequence
Including: case studies – testimonials – clinical studies
Author | Dr. med. Ulrich G. Randoll in scientific collaboration with Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum |
Language | English |
Cover | Hard Cover |
Pages | 461 |
Measurements | 285x220x36 mm |
Weight | 2140g |
Pages | 461 |
ISBN | 978-3-610679-00-9 |
Who should read this book?
It is time: Zooming in on Microcirculation!

- General pracititioners
- Orthopedists
- Neurologists
- Sport physicians
- Rheumatologists
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Osteopaths
- Dentists
- Alternative Practitioners
- Medical Masseurs
- Spiraldynamic Practitioners
- Coaches
- Employees in the Healthcare Sector
- Scientists
They all have in common:
- They work holistically and systemically.
- They all have a common understanding of the importance of the cell environment and cell logistics in their specialty area.
- The key to health is to be found at the level of cellular processes.
“The ingenious approach to therapy by Dr. Ulrich Randoll is that for the first time, in astonishing simplicity, it shows how coherent time patterns (oscillations) stimulate pathophysiological processes until they are physiologically running again, if they run in the frequencies which are available physiologically. Dr. Randoll considers healthy and sick people as being part of a similar process, which have merely adapted to different framework conditions.”
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Hescheler
Chairman and Director Institute for Neurophysiology at the University of Cologne since 1994
“For 30 years, I have been following the work of Dr. Randoll, who has developed Matrix Rhythm Therapy with great commitment and diligence, demonstrating significant clinical success. He has followed the holistic therapeutic approach, and even worked out and explained the underlying regulatory mechanisms. Dr. Randoll’s latest book summarizes his extensive work, why it works, and demonstrates the many possibilities of Matrix Rhythm Therapy with a large collection of cases. I highly recommend this book.”
Prof. Dr. med. L. Keilholz
Clinic Director and Head of the Medical Centerfor Radiation Therapy Bayreuth Hospital GmbH
“Dr. Randolls discoveries, summarized in this precious book, pave the way to a new understanding of medicine Instead of concentrating on still pictures generated by medical imaging, he has studied in much depth the temporal patterns of living structures with their mysterious drive to synchronize. In fact, the human body can be viewed as a giant symphonic orchestra that operates at different rhythms, among them the heartbeat at around 1 Hz and the α-rhythm of the brain at 8-12 Hz. Disorders in these rhythms point to disease and a loss of functionality both at the cellular and the organic level.
Dr. Randoll’s groundbreaking therapy concept reestablishes the natural coherence and has proven its effectiveness in thousands of patients. As a scientist, I am not only impressed by the success of this approach but also fascinated by its deep connection to the unifying power of mathematics.”
Bernd Simeon
Professor of mathematics atUniversity of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
“This book challenged my traditional understanding of medicine and healing. As a practicing sports doctor, I had become frustrated by the limitations of conventional medicine in treating chronic conditions.
Dr. Randoll’s insights into the mind-body connection and the role of cellular logistics in healing have given me hope to enlarge my view in my personal passion for general medicine. This book is an important foundation for all medical professionals who are tired of treating symptoms and ready to get to the root of healing disease.”
Dr. med. Didi Schmidle
General internal medicine and sports medicine, Luzern, Switzerland
About the Author

Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll
Ulrich G. Randoll, is an actively practicing physician, researcher and educator based at the Matrix Center in Munich, Germany. He is also head of Dr. Randoll Institute, a non-profit-organization for cell biological matrix-research and education in various medical specialties like prevention, rehabilitation, pre-and post-operative tissue management, pain treatment, stress management etc.
In the context of several research projects – carried out from 1989 – 1997, at the Department for Maxillofacial and Trauma Surgery of Erlangen University – he developed the Matrix Concept and Matrix Rhythm Therapy. Results confirmed the importance of natural rhythms in cellular interaction with the surrounding extracellular matrix, and thus the impact on cellular health and differentiation. Dr. Randoll developed and tested the Matrixmobil® as a medical device to apply these findings to everyday clinical practice. He has received remarkable success in the treatment of a great variety of illnesses and trained thousands of Matrix Health Partners worldwide.
Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum has been an important part of the genesis of this book. As a researcher, author on science and technology, and well-trained musician, he engaged in a deep dialogue with Dr. Randoll based on the international scientific literature. This greatly supported Dr. Randoll as he developed an in-depth scientific evaluation of the Matrix Rhythm Therapy approach. This book shows and proves the paradigm shift towards resonance-based medicine.
Look into the Book
PART ONE – Medical paradigm shift over the centuries (Page 1-130)
Chapter 1 The Crisis in Medicine Today
Chapter 2 The concept of “illness” and “health”
Chapter 3 The Mind-Body-Unity in Medicine
Chapter 4 The classical “Kursystem” and the future of medicine
Chapter 5 The Holistic Paradigm in Science
PART TWO – Scientific-physiological findings (Page 131-325)
Chapter 6 The cell biological
Chapter 7 The logistics of cells in the human body
Chapter 8 The extracellular matrix (ECM)
Chapter 9 Bioenergetics
Chapter 10 Bioelectromagnetism
Chapter 11 Biological rhythms and the 8-12 Hz frequency window
Chapter 12 Microvibrations – an overlooked “secret” of human physiology
Chapter 13 Toward A Unified Understanding of Chronic Illness
PART THREE – The Matrix Concept and the Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy as a therapeutic consequence (Page 326-461)
Chapter 14 Resonance-based Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy and the Matrix Concept
Chapter 15 Interview with Dr. Ulrich Randoll

Matrix Rhythm Therapy – The Therapeutic Key
Revolutionize Your Healing Journey

Matrix Rhythm Therapy, an advanced and non-invasive treatment method that revitalizes cellular activity and stimulates tissue regeneration. Matrix Rhythm Therapy offers a holistic approach to pain management, increased mobility, and overall well being.
Experience Relief for a Wide Range of Conditions:
- Pain and Stiffness Management
- Slipped Disc
- Arthritis
- Frozen Shoulder
- Tennis Elbow
- Varicose Veins
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cervical/Lumbar Spondylitis
- Ankle Heel Pain
- Diabetic/Neuropathy
- And many more…
Unleash the Power of Cellular and Muscular Rhythm:
- Restore Cellular and Muscular Rhythm
- Self-Regulating Frequency for Optimal Results
- Certified class IIa Medical Device for clinical Pracitice
- Invented by Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll.
What Matrix Rhythm Therapy users say

Explained by resonance
“Why does the tissue accept the gentle vibration? This can always be explained by resonance.”
Prof. Dr. rer. physiol. Thomas Wolf, Physiotherapist, Idstein

Deeply effective extension technique
“I felt it on my own body, had my first therapy experiences and have been enthusiastic ever since. It works with the resonance frequency of muscle tremor as a rhythmic, deeply effective extension technique. I immediately felt that, in combination with the device, I was able to achieve my manual therapy goals more gently for myself and with less pain for the patient.”
Stefania Zingg, Manual Therapist, Switzerland

Concepts of energy, frequency & vibration
“To put it in a nutshell, I would like to quote Nikola Tesla, who said that if you want to fathom the mysteries of the universe, you have to deal with the concepts of energy, frequency and vibration. Dr. Randoll is really at the cutting edge with Matrix Rhythm Therapy.”
Bernhard Mach, Physiotherapist, Medical Leader of Spiraldynamik® Med Center St. Gallen

Stimulating the body’s self-healing
Treating stress and dealing with stress is the basis of illness. And illness manifests itself in the cell, in the connective tissue… This includes supporting the body in these phases by stimulating the body’s self-healing powers, in the best case to help it regenerate and achieve freedom from symptoms and complaints or to achieve relief.”
Anton Lauber, Naturopath, Wolfratshausen

It´s allways about interference fields
“Basically, it’s always about interference fields, i.e. a lack of supply in the tissue. No matter how well you do manual therapy, you simply can’t get as deep as you can with Matrix Rhythm Therapy. I use it in my practice for all diseases of the nervous, musculoskeletal and locomotor systems.”
Elektra Finger, Physiotherapist, Alternative Practitioner for Physiotherapy
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